Tag: forecasting. Page 2

Hybrid machine learning forecasts for the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup


Using a random forest ensemble learner we obtain probabilistic forecasts for the FIFA Women's World Cup in France: The clear favorite is defending champion USA followed, with some margin, by host France, England, and Germany. Read more ›

Evaluation of the 2018 FIFA World Cup forecast


A look back the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia to check whether our tournament forecast based on the bookmaker consensus model was any good... Read more ›

Sankey diagram for the 2018 FIFA World Cup forecast


The probabilistic forecast from the bookmaker consensus model for the 2018 FIFA World Cup is visualized in an interactive Sankey diagram, highlighting the teams' most likely progress through the tournament. Read more ›

Probabilistic forecasting for the 2018 FIFA World Cup


Using a consensus model based on quoted bookmakers' odds winning probabilities for all competing teams in the FIFA World Cup are obtained: The favorite is Brazil, closely followed by the defending World Champion Germany. Read more ›