The web page has been relaunched, hosting three online color apps based on the HCL (Hue-Chroma-Luminance) color model: a palette constructor, a color vision deficiency emulator, and a color picker. Read more ›
Economic growth models are recursively partitioned to assess heterogeneity in growth and convergence across EU regions while adjusting for spatial dependencies. Accompanied by R package lagsarlmtree, combining partykit::mob and spdep::lagsarlm. Read more ›
A major update (version 1.4.0) of the R package colorspace has been released to CRAN, enhancing many of the package's capabilities, e.g., more refined palettes, named palettes, ggplot2 color scales, visualizations for assessing palettes, shiny and Tcl/Tk apps, color vision deficiency emulation, and much more. Read more ›
In a new paper in Monthly Weather Review, minimum CRPS and maximum likelihood estimation are compared for fitting heteroscedastic (or nonhomogenous) regression models under different response distributions. Minimum CRPS is more robust to distributional misspecification while maximum likelihood is slightly more efficient under correct specification. An R implementation is available in the crch package. Read more ›
The PALM tree algorithm for partially additive (generalized) linear model trees is introduced along with the R package palmtree. One potential application is modeling of treatment-subgroup interactions while adjusting for global additive effects. Read more ›
Boosted binary generalized additive models (GAMs) with stability selection and corresponding MCMC-based credibility intervals are discussed in a new MWR paper as a probabilistic forecasting method for the occurrence of thunderstorms. Read more ›
Multinomial processing trees are recursively partitioned to capture heterogeneity in latent cognitive processing steps. Accompanied by the R function mpttree in the psychotree package, combining partykit::mob and psychotools::mpt. Read more ›
Version 2.5-0 of the R package 'sandwich' is available from CRAN now with enhanced object-oriented clustered covariances (for lm, glm, survreg, polr, hurdle, zeroinfl, betareg, ...). The software and corresponding vignette have been improved considerably based on helpful and constructive reviewer feedback as well as various bug reports. Read more ›
A look back the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia to check whether our tournament forecast based on the bookmaker consensus model was any good... Read more ›
The probabilistic forecast from the bookmaker consensus model for the 2018 FIFA World Cup is visualized in an interactive Sankey diagram, highlighting the teams' most likely progress through the tournament. Read more ›