The Grunfeld Data at 50
This webpage provides online complements for the article
Kleiber C, Zeileis A (2010). “The Grunfeld Data at 50,” German Economic Review, 11(4), 404-417. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0475.2010.00513.x
- Data:
This is the original 11-firm data set from Grunfeld’s Ph.D. thesis (Tables 2-9, 11-13), provided as a text file with comma-separated values. For R users, it is conveniently accessible asdata("Grunfeld", package = "AER")
if the AER package is installed. - Replications: Illustrations and applications based on the Grunfeld data from various publications (articles and textbooks) have been replicated. For each publication a commented R script (.R) is provided along with its output (.Rout) generated with a current version of R and all packages (as of 2010-01-29).
- Data versions: Various textbooks provide subsets of the Grunfeld data in their online complements. For each textbook, we provide a link to the original resource as well as to a local copy obtained on 2008-12-22.
- Further data: In addition to the main 11-firm data set Grunfeld
provides, in his Table 10, data for the aggregate of 8 firms. It is
available as
. This, however, is inconsistent with the corresponding aggregate fromGrunfeld.csv
Furthermore, Grunfeld provides, for his main 8 firms, an extension of the data to the years 1955/1956. These data are available asGrunfeld-ext.csv
. - All resources:
A ZIP archive comprising all data versions and R scripts with output (as linked individually below).
- Infrastructure: All replication scripts below use the same
start-up script
which loads and pre-processes the data, loads a standard set of packages and makes some convenience summary functions fromgsummary.R
available. - Grunfeld (1958): [R] [Rout]
- Grunfeld and Griliches (1960): [R] [Rout]
- Boot and de Wit (1960): [R] [Rout]
- Zellner (1962): [R] [Rout]
- Griliches and Wallace (1965): [R] [Rout]
- Kmenta and Gilbert (1968): [R] [Rout]
- Swamy (1970): [R] [Rout]
- Theil (1971): [R] [Rout]
- Maddala (1977): [R] [Rout]
- Koenker and Portnoy (1990): [R] [Rout]
- Griffiths, Hill, and Judge (1993): [R] [Rout]
- Bera, Sosa-Escudero, and Yoon (2001): [R] [Rout]
- Baltagi (2002): [R] [Rout]
- Greene (2003): [R] [Rout]
- Baltagi (2005): [R] [Rout]
- Greene (2008): [R] [Rout]
Data Versions
- Baltagi (2002):
[local copy] (
). - Greene (2003):
[local copy] (
). - Baltagi (2005):
[local copy] (
). - Greene (2008):
[local copy] (
). - Hill, Griffiths, Lim (2008):
[local copy] (
). - Comparison: [R] [Rout]
automatically compares the data versions above against the relevant subsets of the full data set).